Our company offers container transport services for both exports and imports, as well as empty container transport.Our strategic locations in Almouwaqar and Aqaba help meet all the needs of shipping lines, shipping companies, and clearance firms by facilitating the easy transfer of empty containers, thus saving time. We specialize in providing comprehensive logistical services.

Want to see how we can help support your business? Get in touch today.

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What drives CTL to support Shipping Lines in Aqaba & Amman

• We can offer you a container storage service in the event that the ships do not arrive on time, and this is a good service and feature we offer you as it saves you very high storage fees in the port.

• Based upon our sense of partnership and sharing shipping lines mission in developing Aqaba Special Economic Zone as a regional hub for logistics and cargo support. CTL is ready for establishing and run the business upon high standards in service quality, efficiency and professionalism.

• How we will be different in Managing and handover for current business at the yard.

• Supporting shipping lines business (export/import) for the containers handling and update container moves.

Shipping Lines